Post Opt In Message
Hey! Thank you for your interest in working with BRAND NAME. My name is NAME, I'll handle all the communications through this chat, so please keep an eye out for new messages!
Before we activate you, we will need your confirmation of the following: - You have viewed the campaign brief requirements and deliverable details (ENTER DELIVERABLES) - You MUST provide content within X TIMEFRAME of receiving the product.
Let me know your thoughts and feel free to message or email me if you have any questions. Once you get back to me, we can take the next steps 🙂
Post Activation Message
Thank you for accepting, you have been activated for this campaign! I am NAME and I'll be your point of contact for this campaign. I'll handle all the communications through this chat, so please keep an eye out for new messages!
Please make sure you have reviewed the campaign brief and all the requirements! Your product will be shipped out before the end of the week, we ask for you to submit your content for review of your two stories & Reel, within X TIMELINE of receiving the product :)
Once your product has been shipped, you will see your shipment tracking link in the dashboard steps.
Content is Ready to Post!
Hey NAME Your content is approved :) Please go ahead and post. Make sure you submit your post link to the dashboard steps and let me know once you have posted.
Post Campaign Message
Hi NAME! Thank you so much for participating in our campaign. It was a pleasure working with you!
I've processed your payment (IF PAID CAMPAIGN), please let me know if you have any questions.